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Sea Freight

GLOBAL BRIDGE CO. is issued with License of Marine Freight Forwarder by Public Transport Authority (PTA). We professionally handles all types of Sea Cargo irrespective of its size and volume. Our facilities include handling of Full Container Load (FCL), Less than Container Load (LCL), Break-Bulk, Conventional, Ro/Ro, Heavy lifts and Door to Door Household goods.

Our expertise and continuity in handling major freight movements have privileged us in maintaining a fixed weekly schedule to/from most strategic locations worldwide. Our Sea Freight team will provide with an unparalleled level of support, offering you a consistent and reliable service you can count on to get your full container freight to destination within the required timeframe. Moreover our LCL services offer you the ability to move your freight when it is ready in the quickest and most economical manner.

We supply all types of Containers (Standard, High Cube, Heavy duty, Open Top, Flat Rack, Tank containers and Flexi bags. Hazardous cargoes are accepted subject to the approval of Carriers and Port authorities. As we handle large volume of traffic irrespective of seasons, we enjoy excellent business relationship with all leading Shipping Lines operating to/from this trade route and hence enable GLOBAL BRIDGE CO. to offer most competitive rates at highest level of service to all clients.